First Visual Designs

4 min readMar 23, 2021

Welcome to the First Visual Designs of Beginner!

Our project is Iowa Liquor Sales in 2020. Here is our Miro Link:

Let’s dive into our brain storm!

A Miro Board Overview

A Miro Board Overview

We have 4 phases totally, which are Generate Raw Material, Emerge-Combine the Raw Material, Converge-Make the Link, Ideas to Work out Further. Let’s see them one by one!

Phase1 Generate Raw Material

In this phase, we generate a lot of sketches from our raw data, which covers catogories, cost, profits etc.

Generate Raw Material

Let’s see some most interesting sketches in diverge.

Categories and Items

This sketch is about categories and items. The big branches represent the categories of the liquor,and the withes are items within the category.

Profit of Vendors

This sketch represents a price gap between the manufacturers and vendors, which is profit of vendors.

Alchol Volume Consumption

This sketch represents the US map, the density of the dots is how many gallons were sold.

Phase2 Emerge-Combine the Raw Material

In this phase, we emerge the combination of our raw material according to category&item, geography(US), sales with time, sales with regions and bottle cost&retail.

Let’ see some interesting combinations in this phase!


In this combinations, we combine all the sketches which about the category and item. We seperate the sales and volumes by types, brand. Each sketch represents a dimension to see the category and item.


In this combination, we combine all the sketches which about the geography. You can see the extent of each map is gradually getting smaller, which is US, Lowa State, countries, cities. Each map includes a metric about the volumes or sales of liquid. And we also added a zipcode sketch.

Sales with Time

In this combination, we combine all the sketches which about the time. As the last combination, the scale of time is also getting changed. There are four sketches respectively represents the consumption in seasons, months, weekend or workdays. You can figure out the trend with time series clearly.

Phase3 Converge-Make the Link

As for the converge of our combinations, we draw some arrows to link up the sketches in order to clarify our logic.

First, we can see the geography combinations, which starts with the US map, and then link to the Iowa State and its cities. Next, we add the volumes in different volumes and sales in different counties, which leads to the sales profits finally.

Similarly, in the catogory and item combinations, we starts with a tree representing all the catogories and items. It leads to different types and catogories of liquid.

In time combinations, we link the month sketch with season ones, because each season is consist of 4 months.

Converge-Make the Link

Phase4 Ideas to Work out Further

At the last phase, we show more ideas to work out further, including alcohol sales by county and alcohol sales by category in each county.

Alchol Sales by County
Alcohol Sales by Category in Each County

Thank you for reading. Please look forward to next version of design by beginners!

